Dear Janelle:
You wrote:
> Hi I’m trying to figure out how I should word my selection for children on my response card for my wedding. Should it be: childrens’ selections, children selections, children selection, child selections or child’s selection. I have no idea and need help plaese. Thank you
It is not really clear what you are trying to communicate. Do you want “child” singular or plural? (I would guess probably plural if there are more than one child involved). If that is the case, your modifier should be “children’s.” (Plural of “child” plus the possessive.)
If you think about it, there is no such word as “childrens'” or “childrens” because “children” is already a plural, so adding an “s” to make it plural serves no purpose.
Similarly, do you want “selection” singular or plural? If you only have one choice, then it would be “selection.” If there are more than one, then it would be “selections.”