Grammar Software and Punctuation

Dear Nicole:

You wrote:
> I have a question about your Grammar Slammer checker software. I usually do well on my papers when it comes to grammar, but my usage of the mechanics like commas, semi colons etc. is horrible. Does your grammar checker also check for these mistakes? I have grammar checker in Word and it dosen’t help at all with my puncuation. Can your software check my misuses of puncuation?
Our software does catch some obvious punctuation errors, but there is little that grammar checkers can do because punctuation is so closely tied with meaning. In other words, many times the comma or semicolon is not incorrect, it just means something other than you want it to mean.

If you have downloaded a trial copy of Grammar Slammer, please read the file entitled “What to Expect from Grammar Software.” That should give you an idea of what any grammar software can and cannot do. I jokingly tell people that because grammar includes the meaning, we will never be able to come up with a grammar checker that corrects all your grammar until they come up with software that can read your mind! If you have not downloaded a trial copy, you can also read this online at . I think you will find this

As it stands, we believe that our Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers is the best tool because in addition to its checkers, it has over 900 “pages” of easy-to-use Windows help files with virtually all the grammar rules and problems you need to refer to.

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