Dear EM:
You wrote:
> I love your web site! I just discovered it yesterday and found a lot of great information, examples, and explanations for correct grammar usage. However, it doesn’t look like you have “Your vs. You’re” in your “Common
Mistakes and Tricky Choices” list.
> The incorrect use of these two words is very common, indeed. In fact, it was the incorrect use of “your” by more than one of our employees that drove me to volunteer to write a column that focuses on grammar for our employee
> Your website was very helpful in my research. Keep up the good work!
> Best regards,
> Assistant to City Administrator
Thank you for your encouraging note. Actually, we do have a page titled “Your, You’re, or Yore?” but it is not online. You can find it in any of our Grammar Slammer Deluxe programs, which includes over 500 more pages on words that are confused. You can find out more about that at for Windows or for non-Windows systems.
As of July 2011, we also have produced an e-book of the spelling pages in Grammar Slammer Deluxe which we call Spelling Slammer. It is avaible from us or from Amazon.